

Reduce manual data entry with TeleForm

TeleForm is an intelligent data capture software solution that captures and classifies data from paper forms and documents and extracts the information, using OCR/ICR/OMR document recognition technology, ready for export to a database. TeleForm aims to reduce manual data entry by 90% or more and eliminate hundreds of operator keystrokes.

We are the first – and only – UK-based OpenText OEM Partner specialising in TeleForm and LiquidOffice.

Learn more Contact us

  • Keele University
  • Cambridge English Language Assessment
  • University Of Bristol
  • British Council
  • University of Exeter
  • Civica
  • University Of Sussex
  • Midland Management Services

    Increase business efficiency with TeleForm

    The following statistics were observed during a 2024 TeleForm pilot scheme for one education client.

    • 1

      Hour to scan, read, verify, and export 2,000 TeleForm papers (with a single operator)
    • 1.5

      Seconds to identify and read each paper
    • 57%

      Of papers require no verification
    • 97%

      Of all fields required no verification
    • 3

      Seconds (on average) to verify papers requiring verification

      TeleForm features

      The TeleForm software consists of five integrated modules – Designer, Auto Merge Publisher (AMP), Scan Station, Reader and Verifier with Remote Capture Station (RCS) and Web Capture Option (WCO) available to customers who need to capture batches from remote sites.

      TeleForm delivers the ability to:

      • Capture documents from paper, fax and electronic sources
      • Recognise and classify documents
      • Read handwritten (ICR), machine-print (OCR), checkboxes (OMR) and barcode information
      • Validate captured data
      • Export data via existing or bespoke exports
      • Archive form images

      TeleForm Designer

      TeleForm Designer enables you to create beautiful form templates through an intuitive drag-and-drop interface that are optimised for accurate recognition by the Reader module.

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      TeleForm Automerge Publisher

      Automate the creation and print or electronic delivery of pre-filled personalised forms and documents by merging in data from existing databases.

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      TeleForm Scan Station

      Drive high-speed document scanners to efficiently capture forms in non-batch and batch-mode workflows to maximise efficiency.

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      TeleForm Reader

      Once the scanning is complete, the images are sent to the Reader queue for image processing, classification and data extraction using OCR, ICR, OMR and barcode recognition.

      Flexible licensing allows for throughput to be scaled to meet any demand.

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      TeleForm Verifier

      If human verification is required, images of fields needing review are displayed in the Verifier module with operators able to confirm the intended responses or correct misread characters with minimal keystrokes before moving to the next image.

      Our web-based eVerify system is available for remote verification.

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      Remote web capture

      For customers who need to capture images from remote locations, several options are available including TeleForm add-ons Remote Capture Station (RCS) and Web Capture Option (WCO) as well as our propriety software eScan.

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      Data export

      Once the process is complete, each form image – and all verified data - is exported to third-party document management systems (DMS), records management systems (RMS), or common format (e.g. Excel, CSV, XML or SPSS) for true integration.

      Data archive

      Once the data has been exported, it is important to archive the scanned images for future reference or compliance reasons.

      To assist you, we have an optional add-on module for TeleForm called eStore. The web-based system provides indexing, storage and retrieval of paper and electronic forms.

      TeleForm eForm Suite

      eForm Suite for TeleForm allows fillable HTML or PDF web form export from TeleForm Designer for users to complete on-screen and submit electronically to the TeleForm Verifier.

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      TeleForm versions

      • TeleForm Desktop

        Designed for single-users

        •  Process up to a few thousand documents per day
        •  Runs on a single PC
        •  Multi-user capability
        •  Add additional modules
        •  Remote web scanning
        •  Runs on any PC in the network
        •  Store templates, documents and data on a server for easy backup
        •  Run modules as Windows Services
        •  Integrate security with Active Directory user accounts for Single Sign-On
        •  Customisable audit reporting
        •  Enable High-Availability and server clustering features
      • TeleForm Workgroup

        Most popular

        Designed for multi-user access

        •  Process tens of thousands of forms per day
        •  Multi-user capability
        •  Add additional modules (up to 20)
        •  Remote web scanning
        •  Runs on any PC in the network
        •  Store templates, documents and data on a server for easy backup
        •  Run modules as Windows Services
        •  Integrate security with Active Directory user accounts for Single Sign-On
        •  Customisable audit reporting
        •  Enable High-Availability and server clustering features
      • TeleForm Enterprise

        Designed for large-scale enterprises

        All TeleForm Workgroup features plus:

        •  Process 100,000 plus forms per day
        •  Add unlimited additional modules
        •  Run modules as Windows Services
        •  Integrate security with Active Directory user accounts for Single Sign-On
        •  Customisable audit reporting
        •  Enable High-Availability and server clustering features

        Next Distribution

        NEXT automates weekly timesheet processing at six UK distribution centres

        Automation of the bonus timesheet has been a major step forward. In the past, it took one-person 2½ days a week to manipulate the data and manually key the information into payroll. We’ve reduced this time by almost two days already, but we anticipate further efficiencies in the next phase...

        Richard Churchill, Productivity Support Manager, Next Distribution Ltd

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        Teleform/ePC have been the lynchpin of data collection in our home diagnostic clinical trials for many years. As a small team, the software has given us cost-effective and flexible control to manage a diverse range of paper-based trials using a fully-featured form designer with support for downstream verification workflows all the way to export, while ePC have been instrumental in managing and maintaining the service availability with a high standard of professionalism and technical capability

        SPD Swiss Precision Diagnostics GmbH


        We did a scoping exercise across a number of UKCRC Registered CTU’s to see what data capture software was in use and by who. During this process, another CTU recommended ePC for support. We decided to contact ePC directly as we knew they were a reputable TeleForm reseller and we wanted to upgrade to a Workgroup licence so we could scan, verify and export simultaneously as well as design new forms.

        Jo Smith, Database Interface Manager, Keele CTU


        Designing, processing and analysing thousands of questionnaires a year requires an effective and efficient data capture system. TeleForm, provided by ePC, has been the central hub to this system for many years – we could not function without it.

        Sue Thrower, RAF Cranwell


        TeleForm has had so many benefits for us. It has enabled us to spot problems more quickly and reduced our workload. It has really paid dividends.

        Rick Faulkner, Health, Safety and Environmental Advisor, Chevron Texaco


        We have saved time and streamlined our processes by implementing this impressive, simple-to-use and accountable solution.

        Chris McLeod, Systems Analyst, Adecco

        Case studies

        • Keele University

          Keele University

          Keele CTU saves time by capturing data from paper-based clinical trials with TeleForm.

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        • Civica


          Following a OJEU tender process, the British Council commissioned Civica as the prime contractor to deliver an on-screen marking (OSM) solution to mark up to 2.25 million ‘pen and paper’ IELTS tests each year.

          As part of the agreement, Civica appointed ePC as its sub-contractor for the script capture, processing and verification work.

        • Midland Management Services (MMS)

          Midland Management Services (MMS)

          MMS save 37.5 hours per week and reduce manual data entry by 80% with TeleForm based timesheet automation system.

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        • University of Bristol

          University of Bristol

          Based at the University of Bristol, the ‘Children of the 90s’ study uses TeleForm to capture data from the paper versions of their questionnaires.

          Verified product reviews

            TeleForm training

            TeleForm training

            Are you new to TeleForm or a previous user but need a refresher course?

            Learn more about our range of TeleForm training courses, covering each of the core modules from designing forms to capture, processing, verification, and export.

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            TeleForm support and maintenance

            TeleForm support and maintenance

            Our support helpdesk is available to clients with a TeleForm support and maintenance contract and provides technical support and problem diagnostics, via telephone and eMail.

            Depending on your level of support, you will also have access to maintenance releases, version upgrades, remote access problem diagnosis and resolution, remote server maintenance and a mirror system stored at our Head Office for testing and backup.

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            TeleForm FAQ's

            Who owns TeleForm?

            How much does TeleForm cost?

            What are the TeleForm editions?

            What is the latest version of TeleForm?

            Can I attend a TeleForm training course?

            How do you install TeleForm?

            I’m running an older version of the TeleForm software? How to upgrade to the latest version?

            Does TeleForm support electronic forms?

            What are the best TeleForm compatible scanners?

            You can also read technical FAQ's on the TeleForm software.