At the end of the entrance exam, completed examination papers can either be scanned locally, on-site by yourselves, or despatched to our scanning facility for high-speed scanning.
Once scanning is complete, the test marking software will perform image processing, classification, mark/character recognition, and data extraction using handprint (ICR), machine print (OCR), checkbox (OMR), and barcode recognition technology.
Automated marking for MCQs
OMR technology can, for example, read candidate responses to MCQs and export a value for each question (i.e. A, B, C, D). Alternatively, OMR can mark each question (if pre-loaded with the answer-key) and export a final score (rather than raw responses).
Any exceptions will be queued for human verification based on bespoke rules. Examples include barcode not read, duplicate papers, more than one multiple-choice option marked, a value not within expected numeric ranges, and non-alpha or numeric characters found.