In order to solve many mission critical challenges that are often over looked at the project planning stage, we have developed a range of propriety software applications to aid swift implementation of new business process management software (BPMS) and OCR/ICR/OMR data capture systems.
From name and address validation and remote verification to on-screen marking and image archival, we have a component to suit your needs.
Our products include:
eFlex provides a powerful solution for your system alerting and monitoring needs.
eScan is a web based .NET application which streamlines business processes by converting paper-based information into high-quality digital files that can be indexed, stored, accessed and shared within your business.
eSearch is a dynamic search interface for TeleForm that provides a quick way of searching and matching form data to an existing database.
Designed specifically to work with TeleForm, eStore provides an effective alternative to the manual filing, archiving, storage and retrieval of your paper and electronic forms.
eVerify displays scanned images of any field or form needing review, with operators able to confirm the intended responses or correct miss-read characters and fields with minimal keystrokes before moving onto the next image.
If you want to learn more about our solutions, or wish to book a demonstration, please contact us.