
High quality paper and electronic data collection in clinical trials

Whether your preferred method of data collection in clinical trials is paper or electronic (or both), eClinical enables CTUs, CROs, biotechnology, and academic institutions to capture accurate trial data as required by the study protocol and meet regulatory compliance.

Learn more Contact us

  • York Teaching Hospital
  • Keele University
  • SPD Development Company
  • University Of Bristol
  • London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
  • Menafricar
  • Cardiff University
  • UCL
  • University of Roehampton
  • University of Exeter
  • University of Oxford
  • Plymouth University
  • NHS Wales
  • KCL

    Data collection in clinical trials

    A robust trial design is essential to secure the allocation of funds and comply with regulations. Part of this work involves planning how to collect accurate data to comply with Good Clinical Practice (CPMP/ICH/GCP/135/95).

    Learn how our solutions manage trial data collected on paper and/or in an electronic format below.

    Paper-based clinical trials

    eClinical is a paper-based system that automatically performs handwritten and character recognition on paper case report forms with minimum human intervention.

    The system reads CRFs via a high-speed scanner and extracts data, records marked diagrams, spots mistakes, and validates data before automatically exporting the results to any required format (e.g., XLS, CSV, PDF, SPSS).

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    Hybrid paper/electronic trials

    With the optional eForm module, eClinical can be used as a hybrid paper and EDC system.

    The system allows paper surveys to be exported from the CRF Designer as dynamic PDF or HTML forms for end-users to complete on-screen and submit to the verification module.

    Electronic data capture (EDC)

    Moving away from paper based systems?

    ePC’s stand-alone EDC system simplifies compliance with ICH GCP E6 R2 standards and other regulations such as 21CFR Part 11.

    The platform offers online forms, web interfaces, audit trails, access control, version tracking, electronic signatures and more.

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    • stars

      The implementation has been a smooth process. ePC have been really helpful throughout the project. They were able to offer advice when designing / planning the eCRF and help us iron out challenges before they became major issues. Their advice has really helped us focus on what data we needed to collect in order to meet trial objectives and regulatory requirements. I highly recommend them to other CTU’s seeking to implement an eForms system

      Monica Haritakis, Clinical Trial Manager, York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

    • stars

      Teleform/ePC have been the lynchpin of data collection in our home diagnostic clinical trials for many years. As a small team, the software has given us cost-effective and flexible control to manage a diverse range of paper-based trials using a fully-featured form designer with support for downstream verification workflows all the way to export, while ePC have been instrumental in managing and maintaining the service availability with a high standard of professionalism and technical capability

      SPD Swiss Precision Diagnostics GmbH

    • stars

      The data capture is much faster and more accurate. More often than not, forms go through without the need to review them. Any issues are usually related to the design of the form or participants not understanding the question or answering it in a way that was not intended. Many users have said the verification process is not only more accurate, it is less of a chore; they actually enjoy verifying now

      Jo Smith, Database Interface Manager, Keele CTU

    • stars

      Overall, we have been delighted to have the ongoing support, close cooperation, and ability to react to our requirements that ePC have provided. Their ability to make changes to the functionality of the system has led us to realise the value of the EDC system in this study. It is already supporting a further study of ours, and we will continue to work with ePC in our future studies

      Chief Medical Officer, Medical Technology Company

    • stars

      I was hugely impressed with the personal contact from ePC. With the big pharma companies, you never speak to the same person twice, and might not get a response for weeks, so being able to contact ePC directly and know they’ll respond to any question or request promptly is something we’ve found extremely positive, hence coming back for a second, new trial

      Clinical Study Manager, Medical Technology Company

      York Teaching Hospital

      York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

      With eForms, the accuracy and timeliness of data collection has improved immeasurably. This was not possible with paper and means we can begin analysis much quicker to establish if the FIT can accurately detect colorectal cancer in patients.

      Monica Haritakis, Clinical Trial Manager, York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

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      Case studies

      Keele University

      Keele University

      Keele CTU saves time by capturing data from paper-based clinical trials with TeleForm.

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      University of Bristol

      University of Bristol

      Based at the University of Bristol, the ‘Children of the 90s’ study uses TeleForm to capture data from the paper versions of their questionnaires.

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      NHS Wales

      NHS Wales

      NHS Wales use TeleForm to scan, verify and export paper case report forms from the ‘All Wales Medication Safety Monitoring’ trial directly into a database.