Human resources

Human resources used to be seen as another administrative role but has evolved to become one of the busiest departments within an organisation focusing on a multitude of processes including:

  • Employee Information – attendance and work time, disciplinary actions, personal information and performance development plans
  • Recruitment information – applicant tracking, CV’s, interviewing and selection processes and workplace inductions
  • Legal information – employee handbooks, company procedures, health and safety guidelines and safe working practices
  • Benefits Information – pay grades and scales, commission, pensions and redundancy packages

In fact, today HR is seen as a strategic function with HR professionals facing more challenges than ever before including managing demographics, becoming a learning organisation, managing work-life balance, managing change and cultural transformation and nurturing talent and leadership.

Your challenges

Every day, HR needs to ensure that:

  • Information is correct and routed properly and discreetly
  • Holiday request forms, expenses claim form and absence request forms are handled efficiently and don't end up sitting in someone's email or being assigned to someone out of the office
  • Managers do not waste time tracking down an item due to a lack of visibility into the process.

Our solution

Many of the processes that unify one of the most important functions in any organisation are still paper based. Our document routing and approval software provides a consistent and reliable method for routing and tracking HR-related information including:

  • Visibility into the processes supporting management decisions and compliance initiatives
  • Reduced paper handling and manual routing errors
  • Process consistency
  • Reduced workload and empowered users through web-based self-service functions (e.g., holiday requests, policies and procedures)
  • Increased productivity through elimination of lost or mishandled requests
  • Instant access to information to enable users to make informed business decisions

If you want to learn more about our solutions, or wish to book a demonstration, please contact us.