Chevron Texaco implement health & safety reporting software to scan and analyse incident data on four north sea oil rigs
Chevron Texaco is a world-leading energy producer with a presence in more than 180 countries. Among its activities in the oil and gas industries are exploration, production, refining, marketing and transportation.
Chevron Texaco Upstream Europe is based in Aberdeen and has partnerships in the UK and Norwegian sectors in the North Sea. Health and safety and environmental support to the offshore installations are coordinated from the Aberdeen office to support offshore production, maintenance, construction and drilling activities.
The challenge
To deliver a more efficient alternative to manually inputting low level fault and housekeeping data generated from site inspection cards filled in by personnel on the platforms and, in the process, analyse the information more effectively.
The solution
ePC developed an automated health and safety reporting solution incorporating a document scanning system and TeleForm. The system scans incident data and stores, analyses and translates the information into detailed action plans for remedy.
Once the action points have been completed, the form is processed through the scan system to update Oracle database records, which are available to personnel online. Data is presented in 15 relevant and pre-defined reports for easy viewing and response by offshore staff.
This system has had so many benefits for us. It has enabled us to spot problems more quickly and reduced our workload. It has really paid dividends
Rick Faulkner, Health, Safety and Environmental Advisor, Chevron Texaco
In addition, in-depth and flexible strategic management reporting is made available to land-based platform safety advisors through Crystal Business Objects.
The results
The system has saved an enormous amount of time and work for Chevron Texaco. The scanner can read 50 cards within seconds. Prior to system implementation, it would take several hours to manually input the information.
It used to take Chevron Texaco about a week from the generation of the card to the provision of feedback. The system provides an instant picture of what is happening and where. This allows Chevron Texaco to pinpoint problems on platforms such as untidiness or small oil leak trends.
Computer related repetitive strain injuries resulting from manually inputting the data have been eliminated. The system has enabled Chevron Texaco to tackle issues immediately and address reoccurring problems more efficiently.
If you want to find out more about our form processing or text recognition software, or wish to book a demonstration, please contact us.