South East Wales Trials Unit (SEWTU) coordinates multi-centre trials across the UK with electronic data capture
South East Wales Trials Unit (SEWTU) is based at Cardiff University and coordinates multi-centre trials across the UK and beyond. SEWTU aims to improve the quality of trials in health and social care.
All trials and studies require careful planning and preparation in ensuring that sufficient and accurate data is collected to allow for detailed analysis of patients, medications, treatments and conditions. Results of trials and studies of this nature help provide a better understanding of health and medicine for everyone.
Most trials and studies aim to have the largest data sampling possible to ensure the most representative results. Some recruit up to 20,000 or more patients from large geographical areas to provide feedback through questionnaires and surveys.
Historically, quantities have been limited by the time and resources available to handle volumes of paper and extract / organise data for analysis.
A system was required to assist in the design, distribution, document scanning, faxing, data validation and exports to existing databases.
Looking ahead, there will be increased amounts of electronic forms (online and email) and any data capture system needed to include form and data distribution and capture.
TeleForm was used as the foundation of a form scanning system to capture questionnaires, patient feedback forms and CRFs. ePC was able to implement TeleForm to process the large volumes required and increase the possible throughput at SEWTU. As part of this implementation, ePC delivered tailored training and consultancy to assist SEWTU in achieving their objectives.
The PDF Plus Forms module was also used to great effect allowing entire trials to be conducted with electronic, on-line PDF forms. Recipients can complete and submit forms using a unique hybrid of both paper and web/eMail forms.
The nature of clinical trials means that we need highly accurate data to be captured from a large user-base in a timely manner. The TeleForm solution, provided by ePC, has allowed SEWTU to expand its productivity with these objectives in mind
John Evans, Information Manager, South East Wales Trials Unit (SEWTU)
SEWTU are actively using the TeleForm system to allow them to scale up the sample sizes and quantities of their trials. TeleForm is allowing SEWTU to process large quantities of data faster. The team are now able to focus more on the quality of the trials and data analysis rather than the handling of paperwork.
With the automated data extraction coupled with the built-in validation routines, the data captured is clean and accurate.
If you want to find out more about clinical trials software, or wish to book a demonstration, please contact us.