Remote web capture

In order to increase the flexibility of your TeleForm software, we can provide several options for data capture from remote sites. Whether you need to capture small volumes from clients / suppliers / home users or require high volume scanning from remote branches, we have a solution for you.

Web Capture Option

The TeleForm Web Capture Option (WCO) is deployed via a web server to allow remote users to connect through a web browser. Upon connection, it automatically downloads ActiveX to control their scanner before displaying a customisable TeleForm scanning interface. Users can create new batches, add custom field data, scan pages and upload them to your TeleForm system.

No installation is required and the solution uses SSL for guaranteed security.

TeleForm Remote Capture Station

For remote sites with high volume throughput, TeleForm Remote Capture Station (RCS) is the ideal tool. Installed on a client PC as a typical Windows application, it is configured to your TeleForm system through a shared folder, UNC path or FTP site.

More feature rich than Web Capture, RCS provides scheduled uploading of scanned batches, useable interface and access to job settings.


ePC have developed eScan to scan forms into a central TeleForm system over the Internet. It is a .Net based application, deployed through a web browser for simple installation on any modern Windows PC.

The central system can deploy and enforce scanner settings, to ensure constancy whilst checking not only the image quality but also for the presence and readability of page objects, such as cornerstones and barcodes.

Once a centre has logged on to eScan, they can scan pages continuously whilst a background process uploads the images as they are ready. This is crucial as it allows the operators to utilise the scanners at their maximum throughput without being delayed by slow or intermittent Internet connections.

Case studies

  • Racing to School

    Racing to School

    Education charity reduce manual work by 75% by automating data collection from post event surveys with TeleForm.

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  • Keele University

    Keele University

    Keele CTU saves time by capturing data from paper-based clinical trials with TeleForm.

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  • Civica


    Following a OJEU tender process, the British Council commissioned Civica as the prime contractor to deliver an on-screen marking (OSM) solution to mark up to 5 million ‘pen and paper’ IELTS tests each year.

    As part of the agreement, Civica appointed ePC as its sub-contractor for the script capture, processing and verification work.

  • University of Bristol

    University of Bristol

    Based at the University of Bristol, the ‘Children of the 90s’ study uses TeleForm to capture data from the paper versions of their questionnaires.