OpenText TeleForm 16.3 – release notes

on Tuesday, 31 October 2017. Posted in TeleForm, OpenText

OpenText have released the latest updates to their intelligent forms automation solution TeleForm. The new version is OpenText TeleForm 16.3. The previous release from OpenText was version 16.2.

This section lists the new features in the latest version.

Support for ISIS (pixel) scanner drivers

ISIS (Pixel) scanner drivers can now be used with Scan Station and Remote Capture Station. This provides an alternative to TWAIN and allows users to take advantage of more advanced scanner options. ISIS drivers are available from more than 50 scanner manufacturers worldwide for more than 400 scanners.

Recognition engine updates

The TeleForm OCR engine has been updated to provide enhanced stability, performance, recognition, and language support.

Vietnamese language recognition

TeleForm now includes capabilities for recognition and extraction of Vietnamese machine print and hand print. TeleForm can be used to capture Vietnamese forms, and extract, validate, and verify Vietnamese data. In addition, TeleForm can create PDF+Text versions of Vietnamese documents.

Additional audit log details

Additional information is now included in the Audit Log when users or security groups are modified.

  • Rights added or removed from users or groups.
  • Group memberships added for users.
  • Creating, deleting, or renaming security groups.

Simplified import of users from LDAP/Windows providers

A customisable default user profile is available for use as a template when creating new users.

Batch_Precommit functionality improved

The functionality of the Batch_Precommit script entry point has been enhanced to provide more control of the status of the batch.

New platform support

TeleForm has added support for the following new platforms:

  • OpenText Content Server 16.2
  • Microsoft Office 2016

Updated documentation and additional enhancements

  • TeleForm help files and product documentation files have been updated to include features from 16.3 and earlier releases.
  • Installation instructions for TeleForm Desktop, Server, and Workstation have been rewritten for the latest release.
  • The number of files listed in the Designer’s most recently used list has been increased to 10.
  • There is now an option to copy custom attributes (added via COM Scripting API) to other fields.

Discontinued and deprecated features

The following features have been deprecated:

  • BasicScript is no longer recommended for use with TeleForm and remains enabled only to support legacy environments. Use of the TeleForm COM Scripting API is recommended. A reminder is also issued each time the BasicScript editor is opened.

For customers with a current support and maintenance contact, please contact us to find out if you are eligible for an upgrade. We can also help if you are no longer supported and wish to upgrade.

For further details, including an overview of resolved issues, please read the release notes here or contact us.